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Staff / V.A.Smelov

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V.A.Smelov SMELOV Vladimir Alexeyevich
Candidate of Sciences (technics), professor

Date of birth 26.09.1937
Basical education Leningrad Polytechnical Institute Hydrotechnical (Civil-Engineering) Department
Scientific and pedagogical experience Since 1963
Scientific degree awarding year 1970
Courses, being read -Structural mechanics
-Dynamics of structures
-Theory of elasticity
Scientific interests: Structural mechanics of water transport constructions, science and technics history
Extra information: V.A.Smelov's scientific works are devoted to constructions on elastic foundation computations, water transport constructions computations, structural mechanics of pivot systems with finite numbers of freedom degrees. V.A.Smelov - is the author of some books and articles, particulary on the history of the university and the faculty. His books "To the history of Hydrotechnical (Civil-Engineering) Faculty" (SPbSTU publ., part1 - 1995, part2 - 1999) have become the result of his long and persistant work with archive documents and a lot of other information. These books contain the most full and objective review of the faculty history in the period 1907-1930. This work gave an opportunity to recall forgotten names of dozens of scientists and engineeres from Polytechnical Institute, who have made a significant contribution to the development of civil and hydrotechnical engineering, science and higher school. Now V.A.Smelov works over the book, devoted to Polytechnical Institute officers, who have become the victims of communists' terror.