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Staff / I.A.Konstantinov

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I.A.Konstantinov KONSTANTINOV Igor Alexeyevich
Candidate of Sciences (technics), professor, the department deputy head, responsible for studies
e-mail: konst@cef.spbstu.ru

Date of birth 26.11.1930
Basical education Leningrad Polytechnical Institute Hydrotechnical (Civil Engineering) faculty
Scientific and pedagogical experience Since 1953
Scientific degree awarding year 1965
Courses, being read -Structural mechanics
-Dynamics of structures
-Dynamics of wind power plants
Scientific interests: Statical and dynamical computation of structures
Extra information: I.A.Konstantinov - is the veteran of the department, who has been working at it for approximately 56 years. I.A.Konstantinov's scientific articles are tackled with hydrotechnical constructions with compliant foundation and under the dynamical and seismical loads computations. For some last years I.A.Konstantinov worked over the theory and practics of wind power stations dynamical computations. I.A.Konstantinov is the author of a big number of training-books. and methodical works for different courses of the department. Nowdays I.A.Konstantinov activly works in the field of pedagogical and methodical materials development, tackled with applying of modern information technologies in the courses of "structural mechanics", "theory of elasticity", "dynamics" of structers and "wind power plants"