The course of informatics
Department Logo Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University
Courses / Informatics (CS)

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Informatics is studied at the 1st and the 2nd terms (1st course), 2 academic hours per week (lectures and laboratories). The goals of the course are:

  1. To develop the ability of using computers for solving different problems with applied software, including working with tables and data bases, paper-less technologies of the office work, basics of computer graphics (special course of computer graphics is read by other departments of the faculty).
  2. To provide a good knowledge of modern computer hardware and software.
  3. To provide an ability of stating simple engineering problems and their solution algorythm realization using applied software and high-level programming languages.
  4. To provide a knowledge of simple engineering problems statement forms and numerical methods for their solution using computer.
  5. To develop an ability of the result obtained trustworthiness and accuracy estimating.

The program of the course includes:

  1. Introduction. Information and its role.
  2. Computer hardware and networks.
  3. Computer software and information protection.
  4. Operational system MS WINDOWS.
  5. MS WORD text editor.
  6. Introduction to AUTOCAD system.
  7. MS EXCEL table processor and data bases.
  8. Mathematical system MATHCAD
  9. Basics of programming and algorythms (language C).
  10. Basics of computational mathematics.

As the level of the students training and experince in CS usually varies seriously, the department has developed methocdical material, system of interactive tests, digital variant of lectures in informatics, which let organize the educational process individually for different students, in accordance with the level of their secondary school training and experience in CS.